
I just fell in love with traditional chinese clothing :3



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  • Oh right why didn't I think of that🤦🏻‍♂️ I have no time and energy for sewing one "from scratch" but alterations are not that time consuming at all. I think I'll have to try it, maybe it'll work like I want it to xD Tanks for the idea 😀

    Size fitting problem TwT
  • If I'd wrap a long mamianqun properly around my waist, the skirt doors would be anywhere but where there supposed to be xD It does work with almost every other skirt, but a mamianqun is an exception because of the way it is supposed to sit (pleats on the side, "doors" in at the front and behind) For the time being I have to stick to shorter skirts, I guess

    Size fitting problem TwT
  • If only that could also work for me... I have like 3cm hair rn XD Probably no other choice for me than to wear a wig in the end haha

    Hairstyles for shorter hair
  • Since I am above 175cm tall but have a really slim body it's almost impossible for me to find a well fitting Mamian... TwT (if not sewed by me but there's no time for that at the moment) Do I ignore my waist measurements and chose from the hight ones or the other way around?!

    How to Seamlessly Integrate the Mamian Skirt into Your Daily Outfits
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