Hello! I am a Western person who has had a great love and respect for Chinese clothing and culture for over 30 years. There was very little information when I first started researching. I am interested in making my own historically accurate clothing. I am in a medieval recreation club. Most people recreate western clothing, but we have some non-western members, and intrest in non-western cultures has been increasing. We don't put on shows like Renaissance faires do, what we do is private.
Gold thread is still made today. Gold is beaten very fine, then wrapped around a core of a fiber, often silk. You don't sew with it like you do with regular thread. Instead, it's laid on top, then couching stitches are used to hold it in place. Embroiderers still do this today.
Gold thread is still made today. Gold is beaten very fine, then wrapped around a core of a fiber, often silk. You don't sew with it like you do with regular thread. Instead, it's laid on top, then couching stitches are used to hold it in place. Embroiderers still do this today.