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I have checked some resources and did not find a very clear answer.My personal assumption is that it is a fixing or decoration.
Since I've been following historical dramas for a long time, I have to recommend two of my favorites: The Longest Day In Chang'an, The Wind Blows From Longxi. If older dramas, then I would probably recommend Ming Dynasty in 1566 and The Qin Empire.
Qing Dynasty
A bit like liziqi's video style😂
Immortality (TBD) A League of Nobleman (TBD)
The names of the mythical creature mentioned in the article, all of which I expressed in Pinyin + Chinese. This does not mean that it is the official translation, if you find a relevant translation, please let me know, thank you very much!
There is a video of the 8th xitang hanfu festival in this article (https://www.newhanfu.com/7796.html), and there are a lot of related videos on youtube😂😂.