Post Your New Year Hanfu Wear and Win Hanfu Accessory Gift

Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce our 2023 New Year photo sharing event for our group. This is a great opportunity for all of us to come together and celebrate the start of a new year by sharing our favorite photos with each other.

To participate, simply post a Hanfu related photos that represents your New Year's celebrations or aspirations. This could be a photo of your New Year Hanfu party, a photo of a resolution or goal you're working towards, or anything else that represents the start of a new year for you.

1. Event period: December 28, 2022 to January 4, 2023 (EST)

2. How to join: Please add #2023 to your post.

3. How to win: The 10 posters with the most Likes will win hanfu accessory gift box.

4. Prizes: The number of hanfu accessory will vary by ranking, as follows

Ⅰ. 1st to 3rd place: 5+ pieces;

Ⅱ. 4th to 6th place: 4 pieces;

Ⅲ. 7th to 10th place: 3 pieces.


Each user can only have one post to participate in the final ranking, and please follow the Newhanfu Group posting rules.

We can't wait to see all of your amazing photos and get inspired by your creativity! Happy New Year!

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Edited answer: My answer: Upload up to 1 image or 1 file
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