I found this academic article 嘉兴王店李家坟明墓出土圆领袍复原研究 super helpful in showing how garments were constructed historically. Hopefully, these images are helpful.
Works cited:
蒋玉秋, 王淑娟, and 杨汝林. 嘉兴王店李家坟明墓出土圆领袍复原研究. 丝绸, vol. 57, no. 5, 2020, pp. 53-61,
I found this academic article 嘉兴王店李家坟明墓出土圆领袍复原研究 super helpful in showing how garments were constructed historically. Hopefully, these images are helpful.
Works cited:
蒋玉秋, 王淑娟, and 杨汝林. 嘉兴王店李家坟明墓出土圆领袍复原研究. 丝绸, vol. 57, no. 5, 2020, pp. 53-61,
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