2023 粽藝漢字文化節 4th Edition Duanwu Chinese Character Festival

Date and time

Sat, 17 Jun 2023 13:00 - 16:00 IST


St Patrick's church, Church Rd, Rathdown Lower, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.

About this event

To mark the upcoming #DragonBoatFestival, we cordially invite you, your friends, and family to join us at the fourth annual Chinese Character Festival (漢字文化節), hosted by Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese, Taiwan Centre for Mandarin Learning in Ireland, Taiwan Ireland Association, and Taiwan Emergency Assistant Association Ireland.

This event promises to be an exciting celebration of Chinese culture, featuring a range of family-friendly games, activities, and competitions with prizes, as well as delicious Taiwanese food available for purchase.

2023 粽藝漢字文化節 4th Edition Duanwu Chinese Character Festival

Admission is free, but tickets must be reserved in advance. This event is made possible by the Overseas Community Affair Council, the Taipei Representative Office, Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese, and the Taiwan Centre for Mandarin Learning in Ireland. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of China.

Book your free tickets today: 2023 粽藝漢字文化節 4th Edition Duanwu Chinese Character Festival.

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