2021 China Hanfu Exhibition (Chengdu) will be held on November 19-21

China Hanfu Exhibition (Chengdu), will be held in Chengdu - West China International Expo City on November 19-21, 2021.

China Hanfu Exhibition (Chengdu), first created in 2020, is a collection of Chinese Hanfu as the main content, based on the clothing and apparel culture industry chain presentation, the new generation of interactive experience and exchange platform should be born, aims to create China Hanfu whole industry chain exchange and trade benchmark platform, is the first B2B2C Hanfu (culture) exhibition and event.

12000+ square meters of exhibition area
6+ thematic sections
300+ quality exhibitors
30,000+ visitors
200+ professional media
10+ theme events

November 19-21, 2021, Hanfu Expo will meet you in Chengdu!

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