What is the Best Time to Travel to China

When considering a trip to China, it is important to know what is the best time to travel to that country in order to enjoy the best possible climate.

However, the first thing you have to take into account is the vast dimensions of China, with large differences between the north and south of the country.

The normal thing if you are going to do your first trip of tourism to China is that you visit so much Beijing, which is to the north, as Shanghai, which is to the south and the shore of the sea.

What is the best time of year to travel to China

With this in mind, the best time to travel to China is undoubtedly in spring, during the months of April and May.

Another good time is autumn, specifically from the end of September to October.

You have to know that in winter the weather in the north and in the continental center is very rigorous, with very cold days and big snowfalls.

Summer is undoubtedly the best time to visit Beijing in the north, as well as the centre of the country, for example, Xian.

How the weather is in Shanghai

In the south near the Tropic, you can find a fairly mild climate. I assure you that in Shanghai it is very hot and humid.

Also, you have to take into account that in this area of southern China from June to September is the time of the characteristic tropical rains that will water down your trip during the afternoons.

How is the climate in China in August

I made my tourist trip to China in August, and the truth is that it was not too hot in Beijing.


A previous advice for your trip to China is that you should not forget to hire your travel insurance, essential to have the necessary support in case of incidents during the trip.

I comment that we for our trips have the annual insurance IATI, a company that offers various forms that will adapt to your requirements.

Xian's visit was characterized by the foggy sky, and although there was humidity, we did not suffer too much heat.

However, one day it was completely covered by the characteristic fog that forms as a consequence of the great humidity. However, when visiting the Great Wall, which is located in a nearby mountain range, the weather was very pleasant.

Thanks to the altitude, we were able to enjoy a completely clear sky free of pollution and a very pleasant temperature.

This did not prevent us from suffering a great sweat during the climb up the wall, as the visit is very demanding from the physical point of view.

Where the heat was really overwhelming is in Shanghai

In this great city located in the south of China and by the sea, the great environmental humidity and the clear weather of August made us sweat continuously, although in the end you even get used to...

Fortunately, we didn't have any summer storms.

In short, August is not the best time to take a sightseeing trip to China.

But, without a doubt, the most unadvisable time is winter, specifically if you are interested in visiting the north or the center of the country.

In exchange, and as it is logical, it is a time of the year with great price offers...

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