The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu

Hanfu lovers may have heard the term Wei Jin style (魏晋风), or perhaps even that it's not part of the Chinese Hanfu clothing, but what's the difference between the Wei Jin style and the Hanfu in the ancient Wei Jin period?



Is the Wei Jin style costume part of Hanfu?

In fact, the Wei Jin style is just a style of dressing! It is characterized by wide robes and big sleeves, fairy, etc. Only a tendency to national literature and art aesthetic style and expression.

The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty HanfuThe Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu


  • Wei Jin style ≠ Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu.
  • Wei Jin style = a style of clothing that is original to the merchant and sells itself as "as elegant and unrestrained as the scholar of Wei Jin".

The origin of the Wei Jin style is a few years ago, a business to do a character of Wei and Jin dynasties style clothing series (魏晋风骨), this series is mainly characterized by thin and light, low saturation, low cross collar with edging, very suitable for shooting photos, loved by ladies. Then many businesses followed up and gradually formed a "Wei Jin style".

The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu

The Wei Jin style does not refer to the social style of the form and substance of Chinese Hanfu clothing during the Wei Jin and North-South periods. Rather, it originated from the artistic and aesthetic trends and expressions formed by the metaphysical thoughts of the Wei Jin and the North-South Dynasties, and Wei Jin was probably the dynasty in which the ancients lived the most freely and frankly, so the clothing of that period would also have the style of the literati of that period.



Features of Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu

So, what should a real Wei Jin Hanfu costume look like?

Women's costumes in the Wei and Jin dynasties were mostly based on the Han system, with women's daily clothes mainly consisting of Shan (衫, shirts), Ao (袄, jackets), Ru (襦), skirts, and Shenyi (深衣).

The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu

Ru was a common attire for women in Wei and Jin dynasties, with a tight-fitting shirt, wide sleeves, with a Yaolan (腰襕). The lower skirt was an inter-colored skirt or monochrome skirt, the skirt is long and mopping, loose and stretched, with trapezoid stitching, which can show the dashing style of a woman in Wei Jin.

The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu


As early as the Han dynasty, women's costumes had an ornate style of short-sleeved garments, with a toothed lace at the collar and pleated ruffles at the cuffs, which were worn over long-sleeved blouses to create a layered effect. It can be seen on artwork such as lacquer screens from the Northern Wei period, women's long dresses and men's gowns were decorated with a ruffle sewn around the bottom edge.

The Pei (佩) began in the Jin Dynasty, and popular in later generations of a women's clothing, shaped like a scarf, draped over the neck and shoulders, handed in front of the collar, natural down.

The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu The Different Between Wei Jin Style & Wei Jin Dynasty Hanfu


More about Chinese traditional dress for girl & Hanfu female dress can be found here.

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6 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. 陈

    *fighting the urge to make one because I'm going to university and I can't bring my traditional sewing machine*

  2. pelangis821

    Gaya Wei jin baru punya 1😍,

  3. 陈

    I wonder when and why the pleat edging went away...

    • pelangis821

      Mungkin kah tepi lipatan gaya Wei jin khusus untuk perempuan ? Jika baju pria kukira tidak ada tepi lipatan😂

    • 陈

      Bisa jadi, bisa jadi. Iya juga ya, selama ini lipit-lipitan hampir nggak ada di hanfu pria 🤔

  4. pelangis821

    Memang sangat anggun

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