What in the world did I just read?? Did ChatGPT write this? The names are completely wrong or at least strange. In particular, the main character is Haoling Jiuyao, known as Xiao Yao (and also as Wen Xiao Liu for the Qingshui Town arc), and yet the introduction to her in this article calls her "Wang Ji", which just means Princess. Tan Jianci plays Xiang Liu, yet they put Taiji Kenji, which I do believe is a Japanese name he's used since he lived in Japan briefly, but there's really no reason to identify him by that name in the article. Zhang Wanyi's character's name is Cang Xuan, but the article calls him Wang Sunjuan. Like... I have no clue why any (human) writing this would get the names totally wrong or would choose an obscure way to identify them.