Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Hey everyone, sorry for the hiatus! I’m back now with a new series of articles—Hanfu Unearthed, a series examining the more technical, historical origins of hanfu. This series of articles is going to focus on the archaeological side of hanfu research: the relics that we’ve uncovered from various dig sites and tombs. The way that hanfu is defined by most is that its shape and construction is designed off of these relics, so let’s take a look at the real historical references that we have.

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

A quick disclaimer—this series of articles is a result of my own research. I’m not a trained historian or archaeologist, I’m an inexperienced student with an interest in hanfu and chinese history. I don’t have a works cited page for these (though I can point you towards some of the resources I used off the top of my head if you really want them), and I didn’t spend a long time verifying my sources beyond checking with multiple sources to make sure the information was consistent, because frankly I don’t have the time to do that. All articles will come with this disclaimer, so please, please understand that I’m doing my best with what I have and forgive me for any mistakes!!!


A few notes on how to read these articles: I recommend that anyone wanting to read these first reads my Hanfu in Components series—it introduces some of the terminology in this series and helps you understand a little more about the way hanfu is constructed. Since this is a more high-level series, I’m not going to spend a lot of time clarifying very small details because there’s too much information to get through, so having some background on what some terms mean will be really helpful. For all you newbies out there, you’re of course still welcome to read through these at your leisure! Just know that you’ll probably understand a lot more if you spend some more time getting the basics down. 

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

The format of each article will be similar: each article will be centered around one archaeological site. I’ll introduce the site with a little information on its history and its owner, and then I’ll go over the key pieces of clothing found in those sites—some of the sites have over twenty pieces of clothing so I won’t be able to go over all of them, plus the fact that a lot of them are really hard to get pictures of, but we’ll definitely go over the highlights! I’ll be starting from the Han dynasty dig sites and progress chronologically forwards. In terms of language convention, I’ll be using the same format to introduce Chinese terms as before: the first time a Chinese term comes up, I’ll display it in the format of (traditional chinese)/(simplified chinese)/pinyin with tone number/English translation. For example, hanfu would be 漢服/汉服/han4 fu2/Hanfu. Given the length of these articles it’ll probably take me a long time to finish this series and I apologize for that, but I hope you enjoy what’s coming!

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Once again, I’m not a trained historian or archaeologist—I’m writing these articles partially to compile my research for myself and also because I know there are a lot of you out there who want to see this information but can’t access it because of language barriers or just time constraints. If anyone wants to help me find resources, I’d welcome your help—just recognize that I might not have time to get eeeeeverything that you all want to offer/want to know into my articles!

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Now, have fun reading about the Mawangdui Han Tomb—and stay tuned for more.

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction
Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Hanfu Unearthed II: Mawangdui Han Tomb

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction
Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Hanfu Unearthed III: Wei/Jin and Northern/Southern Dynasty Relics

Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction
Hanfu Unearthed I: Introduction

Hanfu Unearthed IV: Tang Dynasty Relics in Astana Cemetery and Shosoin Repository

Creative License: The article is the author original, udner (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Copyright License. Share & Quote this post or content, please Add Link to this Post URL in your page. Respect the original work is the best support for the creator, thank you!
History & Culture

5 Historical Fashion Items from Ancient Chinese Costume

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History & Culture

Hanfu Unearthed II: Mawangdui Han Tomb

2022-10-20 10:00:12

14 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. jafrin

    What’s the series about?

  2. Raquel

    this serie is so cool

  3. Xivvy

    Oooh this is a really fun series idea! Looking forward to all the diff tombs and styles 😀

  4. Merriel

    Finally! I've been waiting for this and been too lazy to do the research myself!^^ can't wait!

    • 陈

      I can relate to that 😭

  5. lllen29

    Awesome new topic, looking forward to seeing all Hanfu Unearthed so far and ordered by timeline, is that possible?

    • redsugarx

      It’s really hard to get EVERYTHING in there, there’s thousands of artifacts unearthed with each tomb and a LOT of tombs throughout history ^^ I’ll try my best to go through the major ones but I won’t be able to cover every single thing!

    • lllen29

      Yes, it is difficult, maybe you can pick 1-2 typical styles for each period.

    • redsugarx

      I'm going to be focusing on different major archaeological sites and the highlights in each one! The article for the Mawangdui Han Tomb will be up soon ^^

  6. Zhang Ruying


    • lllen29

      AHHHHH, I think it's a good idea to draw these original Hanfu

    • 陈

      Definitely is, in all of its glory!!
