How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

How to take beautiful pictures when you wear Hanfu dress? Today, we will use an umbrella as a prop to introduce some poses for taking photos of Hanfu and teach you to take good-looking photos of Hanfu.

Total Time: 1 hour

1. Elevation angle

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Open the umbrella, hold the handle of the umbrella, and look into the distance. If you don't know how to put your hands, you can put them on your waist, relax your body naturally, tighten your chin, exposing the jawline.

2. Sitting & front

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Sit and keep a natural posture. The upper body leans forward slightly, eyes look at the ground, eyes empty, giving a feeling of thinking or trance. Put the umbrella behind your shoulders and hold the handle in both hands.

3. Standing & side

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

You can find a place with better scenery, choose a place to stand, turn your body, half face the camera, relax and look more natural. Raise your head and look into the distance, tighten your chin, so that the profile of the side face is clearer and the sense of curve is stronger. Support the umbrella at the back, one hand holding the handle, the other hand slightly bent on the forehead, eyes staring at the distance.

4. Sitting & side

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Sitting on the ground, legs together, shoulders forward tilt, the whole person has a slightly curled up feeling. Lower your head slightly, look at the ground with your eyes, and side your face so that face outline looks better. Support the umbrella on the back, one hand holding the handle, the other hand can be placed on the knee, it looks very natural.

5. Upper body & side

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Standing on the ground, back to the camera, back straight, not only can show thin, may highlight temperament. Turn your head around to show your side face, and then adjust your shoulder radian to look more natural. Hold the handle of the umbrella in one hand, support the umbrella at the back, slightly raise the other hand and put it in front of you, almost flush with your shoulders, look at this hand with your eyes, and show a standard smile, perfect!

6. Upper body & front

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Standing on the ground, facing the camera, holding up the umbrella with one hand, keeping the handle straight, and highlighting the contour of the face. The eyes turn outwards carelessly, and the head turns slightly with the eyes. Focusing on the face can make the makeup look clearer.

7. Standing & front

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Stand on the ground, relax and look at the camera. Hold up the umbrella with one hand and keep the handle vertical, which can highlight the arc of face and arm. The other hand pulls up the skirt hem and then puts it down. Before the skirt hem returns to the original place, press the shutter.

8. Standing & upper body side

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Stand and back to the camera, with your back straight, making your back more linear. Rotate the head 90 ° to expose the complete side face under the camera, and the shoulders rotate slightly with the rotation of the head, which looks more natural and relaxed. Look at the ground, chin slightly raised, so that the lower jawline more perfect, and then virtual the background.

9. Standing & side

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Stand on the ground, back to the camera, and relax naturally. The head rotates about 75 ° and the body naturally rotates with it, which can show the perfect side face. Hold the umbrella in one hand and let the handle of the umbrella slant.

10. Stangding & whole body back

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop

Stand with your back to the camera, shoulders level and back straight, but don't be too nervous, just relax. You can turn your head slightly to show your side face and hold the umbrella in one hand, so that the inclined arc of the umbrella handle is nearly parallel to the side face, which can highlight the face contour more.

The prop umbrella is a very common prop. Of course, you can play your imagination and take more excellent photos.

How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop
How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop
How to Take Hanfu Photos with Umbrella Prop
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8 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. pelangis821

    Jika musim hujan atau salju, mereka menggunakan payung apa ?

    • 陈

      Kertas minyak. Payung, kan, ada dua jenis, payung matahari (parasol) dan payung hujan (umbrella). Sebelum kertas minyak diciptakan, payung berfungsi sebagai payung matahari. Memang, kertas minyak nggak tahan lama, karena itu orang tetap menghindar secepat mungkin dari hujan 😆

  2. pelangis821

    Kenapa payung dizaman dahulu terbuat dari kertas ?

    • 陈

      Sederhananya, belum ada kain tahan air 😂

  3. pelangis821

    Ini membantu kita dalam berpose, kadang paling kikuk saat berpose

  4. pelangis821


  5. Merriel

    Always a good look. Could be useful too, if the umbrella actually works.

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