4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Many hanfu lovers have been confused about how to choose the right hanfu hair style to match their hanfu.

Overly complicated hanfu hair styles mean tedious steps and long hours of preparation.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

But retro hanfu hair styles are not the only option. In fact, more and more hanfu lovers are choosing to match their hanfu with more stylish and simple hairstyles, especially when wearing modern hanfu style.

In this way, hanfu can gradually integrate into modern society while retaining its traditional cultural connotations.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Let's take a look at four modern hanfu hair styles that easily go with your hanfu, as shared by Yi Zhi Keke.


01 Low Coiffure Hairstyles

Hairstyle features

The back of the head coiffure is very simple, just tie a ponytail at the back of the head, then twist it into a clockwise circle and wind it up.

If you think the modeling is too monotonous, you can also insert a hairpin, or coiffure hair band together with the coiled in, which will make the overall modeling more gentle and soft, but also with a little mature woman's charm. This kind of coiffure is most suitable with curtain bangs, so that both romantic style, but also can modify the face shape.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Suitable with hanfu styling

This hairstyle is similar to the simple bun of an ancient married woman, so it doesn't have the delicate feeling of a young girl, but it can look like a person is full of charm.

This gentle and virtuous hairstyle is most suitable with quiet and elegant hanfu jewelry, such as white jade hairpin, pearl hairpin, jade earrings, etc. Suitable to match with Jiaoling Ruqun, Wei-Jin Hanfu, and other styles.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily


02 High-tied Bun Hairstyles

Hairstyle features

The high-tied bun is more similar to low coiffure, but it needs to be well fixed with bun, otherwise loose and disorganized at the top of the head will make the delicacy much less.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

First of all, we still have to tie a ponytail, but to braid it into a twist in the plate, so that the plate out of the pill will be smooth and flat, less broken hair, and then we have to fix a few U-shaped clips at the root of the tied bun, thus preventing the height of the bun from slipping.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Suitable with hanfu styling

The high tied bun head will look very cute, and has the effect of reducing the age and showing youth, we can often see around the sunny young girls comb this hairstyle, if the temples left some broken hair, can make the sweetness instantly multiplied.

The best hanfu to go with the high-tied bun are the Ming style hanfu, the Tang Hezi Qun, or the Hanfu-inspired fashionable style.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily


03 Braided Hairstyles

Hairstyle features

Compared to the first two hairstyles, braided hair is a little more complicated, but it can give people a leisurely feeling, looking very sweet and comfortable, perfect for the "mori girls" who take the temperament route.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Suitable with hanfu styling

Braided hair styling is suitable with soft texture, natural accessories, such as floral hair ribbons, ribbon bows, or small flower-shaped hair clips.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

The focus of the selection is to have the elements of nature, but also must be the color blue, green, yellow light color, the flower is relatively small style.

And braided hair suitable for modified Song style hanfu, full with fresh and girly feeling, but also very suitable as daily wear.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily


04 Wavy Curls Hairstyle

Hairstyle features

Wavy curls almost do not need you to do other special styling treatment, just use a curling iron to perm on the draped line. Curly hair styling elegant and self-sufficient, but also with a romantic atmosphere.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Suitable with hanfu styling

The curly hair look itself is very modern, so it should be paired with a hanfu that has an modern feel to it, such as a Xuanqun or Han elements style. At the same time, because curly hair has a strong sense of laziness, the warm and thick autumn and winter models will match it better.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily


All in all, we still encourage hanfu lovers to learn about traditional hairstyles and create a hanfu hairstyle that suits your own hanfu look by hand.

4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily
4 Simple Hanfu Hair Styles to Match Modern Hanfu Easily

Traditional Ancient Chinese Hairstyles History

But if you're after a more everyday hanfu hair styles, the hairstyles mentioned in this post might help you out. It's simple and everyday, and it has unexpected fashion effects with hanfu!

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