Hanfu Diary: Ongoing Journey

LiangYuZuan's personal account with hanfu, a short blog.

Hanfu has become an essential part of my life. It is now my identity, ethnically speaking. Not being technical here. I love the clothes I wear. The comfort, peace of mind, simplicity, and stark beauty ----all neat in the package that is hanfu. I feel I am myself when I wear something I can make at home. And of course, the hair. Let's talk about the hair-do's. As lavish and complex the many styles look, truth is, they are not that scary or difficult to do. Just takes steps to look beautiful. And each task is worth the time to celebrate oneself. Like other women my age, I suffer from thinning hair. Wigs are a godsend, if you ask me. I wear hanfu any chance I can these days, whether at home or going to the store on my day off. I also wear some work shirts I made for myself. I do let my hair rests in between, but I would wear it up with the charming hairpins. Now, I am working on getting the right kind of makeup for my skin. And I will be so much happier.

Hanfu has improved my looks. To the ladies, you know what I'm talking about when it comes to beauty. It is up for discussion, seriously. It is a state of mind and body. Pursuing beauty is a natural thing. I feel good about myself now that I have immersed myself into hanfu.

I make my own earrings sometimes. Here is my Christmas 2021 collection.

Hanfu Diary: Ongoing Journey

I buy hair accessories for ideas on how to make my own. Pictures just won't do. I have to own the physical hairpins in my hands. And I love how they are everywhere online. Not just Tao Bao stores. New Hanfu, Ebay, Wholee, Diary Vintage, and among other places. I have been feeling confident enough to show my face on TikTok. I am having fun making short videos of myself and sharing some of my shopping experieces by unboxing packages as they arrive. So much fun. 😄

I recently bought these beautiful shoes. Husband gave me an earful about my spending. And he knows I need shoes. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Hanfu Diary: Ongoing Journey

The red pair is going to be part of my ensemble next spring to commemorate our 10th anniversary by renewing our vows. It is my excuse to wear a wedding dress for photo shoot. Not studio grade, but a small home photography selfie moments. I am making memories.

This black pair is for my daily hanfu life and sanity. 😄 They are probably too beautiful to be treated as every day house shoes.

Hanfu Diary: Ongoing Journey

And lastly, I couldn’t hold back when I spotted this bolt of fabric at Walmart. It is affordable. But the color and texture is perfect. This fabric is called Peach Skin. It is soft like silk. I love it. I can't wait to make my hanfu out of it.

Hanfu Diary: Ongoing Journey

This is my hanfu journey and it is only the beginning. I hope to become an expert on hanfu someday, when I recognize the dynasty of each variation and name them off the top of my head. I study whenever I can. So glad I found New Hanfu community. It is a wonderful place to be.

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3 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. Natsu


  2. ccecilia

    In the beginning, I was thought that wearing hanfu required strong courage, but, again, it will make me more confident.

    • pelangis821

      Baju hanfu dikotaku adalah sesuatu yang luar biasa, tapi aku percaya diri memakainya
