Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Today, I will introduce you to a photographer.

Her name is Dang xiaoshi (当小时). She is a Sichuan girl. She spends most of her time in Beijing.

Like many people, Dang xiaoshi has been shooting some "commercial works" in order to live. However, due to a strong preference for "Chinese Style", there are occasional works of ancient style in private.

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Hanfu in Thailand

At first, Dang xiaoshi just liked the costume style, but all the changes started with an invitation.

A friend of hers got married and invited her to Nepal to take wedding photos. At that time, Dang xiaoshi put forward the idea of shooting with the theme of "Hanfu" to her friends.

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Hanfu in Nepal

Originally, she just wanted to take a meaningful wedding photo for my friends, but when the photo came out, it got a lot of praise. Looking at the endless praise of Chinese clothes, she found that the charm of the original culture is so great.

So she left beautiful pictures around the world with her Chinese clothes.

Let's see what beautiful places she's been to.

  • Hanfu in the United States

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

When Hanfu, music and American enthusiasm are combined, there is a different spark.

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Nepal

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World Nepal?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Japan

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World japan?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World japan?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Iceland

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World iceland?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World iceland?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World iceland?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World iceland?

  • Hanfu in Horseshoe-bend

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World horseshoebend?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World horseshoebend?

  • Hanfu in Palau

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Spain

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Prague

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

  • Hanfu in Korea

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World korea?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Dang xiaoshi took a lot of photos abroad, and many of them were amazing. But the most amazing thing is the combination of China and Hanfu!

  • Hanfu in Hong Kong, China

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World hongkong?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World hongkong?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World hongkong?

  • Hanfu in Yunnan, China

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World yunnan?

  • Hanfu in Chongqing, China

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World chongqing?

Drinking and enjoying the lights at Hongya Cave is a great pleasure in life!

  • Hanfu in Hangzhou, China

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World hangzhou?

  • Other Hanfu beauty photos

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Do You Want Wear Hanfu Travel Around the World?

Not only for Hanfu, but also a lot of traditional cultures, I hope that they can live in the present, in the future, continue to spread, and constantly bring exciting.

Creative License: The article is the author original, udner (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Copyright License. Share & Quote this post or content, please Add Link to this Post URL in your page. Respect the original work is the best support for the creator, thank you!

A Costume Feast - Hanfu in the Medieval Festival of Provence

2019-7-2 14:27:05


Man Hero and Kungfu Costume

2019-7-19 14:40:05

4 Comment(s) A文章作者 M管理员
  1. yi-ying_lu

    To be honest, I'd love a full on documentary on all the types of hanfu inspirations between countries in ancient time. For example, how much did the chinese hanfu influence other countries fashion? How much influence did other countries have on ancient China?

  2. pelangis821

    Aku ingin mengoleksi banyak hanfu

  3. XiaoLingKai

    I would love to wear Hanfu whenever I travel 😍

  4. weiwei29

    Would love to wear modernized hanfus!

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